
Sunday Members Draw $350 #wp

June 10, 2024

Join us every Sunday for our exciting Members Draw with a chance to win $350! This thrilling event is a highlight of the week, where members gather in anticipation of winning the cash prize. It’s a fantastic opportunity to relax, socialize, and try your luck at taking home the $350 prize.

Our Sunday Members Draw is a popular event that brings our community together for an evening of fun and excitement. Whether you’re a regular attendee or a first-time participant, everyone is welcome to join in on the action. The $350 cash prize adds an extra thrill to the occasion and creates an atmosphere of friendly competition and camaraderie.

The Sunday Members Draw is a great way to spend your weekend, with the chance to win a generous cash prize. Gather your friends and fellow members to enjoy the excitement and anticipation of the draw. Who knows, you might just be the lucky winner of the $350 prize! Don’t miss out on this thrilling event that promises a fun-filled evening with the opportunity to win big.